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Walter Wittich,  PhD

Collaborating Investigator: BRILLIANT

Walter Wittich,  PhD

Originally from Germany, Walter Wittich pursued a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Psychology (Concordia U) and a PhD in Visual Neuroscience (McGill). He then completed a postdoctoral fellowship in audiology at the Centre de recherche of the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal. He became a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry in 2011 and in 2012 was certified by the Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation & Education Professionals as Quebec’s first Certified Low Vision Therapist (CLVT).

Walter Wittich’s research domains include basic sensory science, as well as medical, psychosocial, and rehabilitation approaches to sensory loss. Coming from a background in age-related vision loss, he now conducts research in dual sensory impairment and deaf-blindness. Specifically, he examines the use and usability of assistive technologies intended to improve quality of life and social participation of older adults with sensory impairment.


Biomedical Research and Informatics Living Laboratory
for Innovative Advances of New Technologies

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