Félix Chénier completed his doctorate in engineering in health technologies in 2012 at the École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) in Montreal. He developed a device to train the manual wheelchair user propulsion technique using force feedback biofeedback. From 2012 to 2014, he was responsible for a large-scale research project on osteoarthritis of the knee at the Research Laboratory in Imaging and Orthopedics, ÉTS, at the CHUM Research Center. From 2014 to 2015, he completed a post-doctoral internship in rehabilitation sciences at the Université de Montréal, where he was interested in the ecological validity of wheelchair propulsion on stationary equipment. He has been a professor in the Department of Physical Activity Sciences at the University of Quebec in Montreal since 2015.
His research focuses on the development of new technologies and on the biomechanical study of manual wheelchair propulsion and adaptive sports, with the aim of promoting an active lifestyle while preventing the development of musculoskeletal disorders in wheelchair users.