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Michelle Mckerral

Michelle McKerral,  PhD

Collaborating Investigator: BRILLIANT

Michelle McKerral,  PhD

Michelle McKerral is a Full Professor and Director, Department of Psychology, University of Montreal, and a researcher at CRIR – University Institute on Rehabilitation in Physical Impairment of Montreal (IURDPM) of the CIUSSS CSMTL. Michelle McKerral’s research interests include functional study of the impact of a cranioencephalic trauma using electrophysiological, brain imaging and neuropsychological methods.

Some objectives of Michelle McKerral’s research:

  • The use of visual and cognitive electrophysiology and neuropsychological tests to objectify alterations in brain function and recovery mechanisms after traumatic brain injury (TBI);
  • The study of the effectiveness of cognitive and rehabilitation interventions, as well as the links between brain function, symptoms and certain indicators of post-TBI outcomes such as the ability to work and quality of life.


Biomedical Research and Informatics Living Laboratory
for Innovative Advances of New Technologies

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