Rehab Alhasani, PhD Candidate
Researcher: BRILLIANT
Rehab Alhasani, PhD Candidate
Researcher: BRILLIANT
Rehab Alhasani completed her bachelor’s degree in Physical Therapy from King Saud University (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) in 2008 and her Master’s degree in Rehabilitation Sciences from University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, Canada) in 2015. In her Master’s project, she studied the effect of a novel dual-task training program on balance, mobility and cognition abilities among older adults. Currently, Rehab is a PhD candidate under the supervision of Dr. Sara Ahmed. While a member of the PCHI Lab Rehab’ research is focused on the development of Ontology based Classification for mobility among individuals with acquired brain injury (ABI). The goal of an ontology is to achieve a common and shared knowledge about mobility that can be transmitted between clinicians, patients and researchers and between application systems.
Biomedical Research and Informatics Living Laboratory
for Innovative Advances of New Technologies